Prenatal Pilates: 5 transformative benefits for expectant mothers

Pregnancy is brimming with opportunities to connect with your body and nurture your wellbeing – and we are so thrilled to support you during this profound time of life with Pilates love. As you embark on this incredible journey, Pilates is here as your steadfast companion, holding your hand as you navigate the miraculous path of motherhood.

Is Pilates safe during pregnancy?

 Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or you’re new to the practice, one of the first things you’re asking yourself before jumping on the mat (or reformer!) is, is Pilates safe during pregnancy? The short answer is, of course, yes! Pilates is inherently adaptable, making it an ideal exercise during pregnancy when tailored correctly. Its emphasis on controlled movements, mindful breathing, and body awareness aligns well with the changes your body is going through. Pilates can help you stay strong and flexible, relieve pregnancy-related pains, and foster emotional balance – win win win!


However, it is essential that you practice under the guidance of an experienced instructor and let them know about your pregnancy before you begin. We run specialised pregnancy and pre/postnatal Pilates reformer and Pilates tower classes for our pregnant mamas, so you don’t need to worry about whether what you’re doing is safe during pregnancy. We do recommend that you arrive to class a few minutes early for your first class so we can discuss if there’s anything we might need to modify for you. At Love Pilates, we do require our mamas of 13+ weeks to attend our pregnancy classes so we can make sure you get the best practice possible. 

5 benefits of prenatal Pilates

Builds core strength and stability

With pregnancy comes a shift in your body’s centre of gravity, adding extra strain to your back and pelvis. Pilates’ focus on core strength and stability offers a solid foundation for carrying your growing bump. By engaging and strengthening your deep core muscles, you can support your spine, maintain a healthier posture, and alleviate discomfort. The result? Enhanced stability and a sense of strength and support that will make your pregnancy journey much smoother. 

Enhances flexibility and joint mobility

As your body changes to accommodate your bub, you may feel increased tension in your muscles and joints. Pilates invites flexibility and joint mobility through controlled movements that gently stretch and lengthen your muscles. This can help to relieve common pregnancy discomforts like back pain and hip tightness, allowing you to move with greater ease and comfort during each trimester.

Promotes mind body connection

We cannot talk about the benefits of Pilates without talking about the benefits on your mental and emotional health – which is, let’s be honest, hugely helpful whilst growing a little human. Pilates is a wonderful practice to support the connection between your mind and body, which becomes even stronger during pregnancy. The practice encourages mindfulness and body awareness, inviting you to tune into the needs of your changing physique. By focusing on your breath, alignment, and movement, you can develop a deeper connection with your body and create a serene space for you and your baby to thrive.

A great tool for labour preparation

Preparing for labour is a fundamental aspect of pregnancy, and Pilates can be an invaluable tool on this part of the journey. The controlled breathing techniques practised in Pilates mirror those used in childbirth, which helps aid in pain management and promotes relaxation. The pelvic floor strength that Pilates exercises encourage can also contribute to a smoother labour and postpartum recovery.

Fosters emotional well-being

The hormonal changes of pregnancy can sometimes lead to mood swings and stress. Pilates, with its focus on mindful movement and controlled breathing, offers a sanctuary for emotional well-being. If you’ve ever been to a Pilates class amidst a stressful period of life, you’ll know what we mean – the studio, community, and movement all invites presence, softness, and safety.  Pilates is not only a physical practice, but a nurturing ritual that uplifts your spirit.


So, dear mamas, bask in the nourishment of Pilates during this transformative time of life. May your Pilates journey illuminate your path, and may you radiate with the Pilates glow through your pregnancy and beyond.


Pilates Perspectives: Mat vs. Reformer vs. Tower – Choosing your practice


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